uploads/little finger.jpg

little finger 小指。(twist [wrap] around one'...

little fox

Swing to your right , striking the wall at the level of your own neck with the little finger edge of your right hand 向你的右側急速轉身,用你右手小指一側打擊墻壁你頸部高度的地方。

You strike with the little finger edge of the hand from the base of your little finger to about an inch up from your wrist 用手掌小指一側從小指根部到距手腕一寸的部位進行打擊。

I did not like to put my hand into a hireling s , but it is pleasant to feel it circled by jane s little fingers 我不喜歡把手放在雇工的手里,但讓簡的小小的指頭挽著,卻很愉快。

In time , after many squeezes , tom managed to sign his initials , using the ball of his little finger for a pen 接著他們又擠了數次,湯姆馬上用小指蘸血寫下了自己姓名的首字母。

Swing to your left , striking the wall at the level of your neck with the little finger edge of your left hand 向你的左側急速轉身,用你左手小指一側打擊墻壁你頸部高度的地方。

Strike with the little finger edge of your out - stretched hand from the base of your little finger to your wrist 用你伸展的手掌的小指一側進行打擊,著力點在小指根部到手腕。

With your palm facing your , rest your thumb on top of your bent index finger , move your little finger up and down 單手手掌向內,食指彎曲,拇指靠在食指上端.小指上下晃動

I thought they would ignore me if i just sent the letter , so i put my little finger in as well 我想如果只寄信,它們一定不予理會,所以我才把小指頭放進信封里。

My father loves me so much . he ' ll do anything for me . i ' ve got him wrapped around my little finger 我爸爸很愛我。他肯為我做任何事情。我完全控制他了。

Straigten out your hand and with the little finger edge strike repeatedly against any hard surface 伸直你的手掌,用小指一側反復打擊任何堅硬的表面。

My little finger told me that something has happened at home , we ' d better go back right away 我有一種預感,家里發生了什么事,咱們還是馬上回去吧。

Wow , your boss is wrapped around your little finger , he does everything you tell him to do 哇,你老板被你控制了。你讓他做什么他就去做什么。

Sweet tea miss kennedy having poured with milk plugged both two ears with little fingers 肯尼迪小姐斟了甜茶,兌上牛奶,并用小指堵起雙耳。

Some bamboo is thinner than your little finger . some is much thicker than your waist 某些種類的竹子比小手指還細。某些則比腰還要粗得多。

They were no longer than his little finger , but he was not particularly hungry 它們只有他的小指頭那么長,但是他現在并不是特別餓。

Red circle indicates the two frames that came together on the maintainer ' s little finger 紅色圓圈標出了擠傷維修工小指的兩個機架。

James bond : that ' s because you know what i can do with my little finger 占士邦:這是因為你知道我可以用我的小指來做什麼。

Little fingers , big palms 小手指、大手板

They were no longer than his little finger , but he was not particularly hungry 魚只有小指長,但他也并不覺得特別餓。